Limes Toolbox
Got Problems?
Use our Limes Toolbox ... a simple guide for us simple folk! "Making bad decisions since ages ago!"
1. "Get your Ass into Gear"
- Log-in or Sign-Up on the website
- Check FAQ and RULES to make sure you understand what you're getting yourself into!
- Choose the event you'd like to enter (check dates and event format) – ENTER EVENT
2. "Prepare your crapper (race-car)"
- Buy a piece of crap car (or an existing race-car that is suitable for Limes racing)
- Ensure your car meets the Limes SAFETY requirements (Cage, seat, harnesses, etc) – see RULES
- Choose a THEME for your car (optional) – get creative!
- Hunt sponsorship or fundraising to help pay for your crapper? No limit on logos/livery on your car!
3. "Whip your TEAM into shape"
- Invite willing (or unwilling) victims to join your team
- Choose a THEME for your team (optional)
- Ensure ALL team members have signed-up and are visible on your TEAM (check "My Teams" on your NaZCAR website Dashboard)
- Ensure all team members have PAID for their entry
- Make sure you've ordered essentials such as Garage, Transponder, etc
- Ensure ALL Drivers in your team have the relevant Licences (Civil & Race Licences)
- Ensure all drivers/crew have the relevant apparel (GEAR) such as race-suit, helmet, HANS (FHR), gloves, boots etc
4. "Checklist"
- Have you created your account/signed up?
- Registered your team/entered an event?
- Invited members to join your team?
- Got a good THEME for car/team? (optional)
- Built your car to the Limes standard?
- Has your team paid for car/drivers/crew entry and 'essentials' (garage, transponders etc)?
- Still need help? Send out a Bat-Signal to Limes HQ (without the virus please)!